The Capacitor configuration file is used to set high-level options for Capacitor tooling.
Here is a full example of available configuration options for
// The package name for Android and the bundle identifier for iOS.
appId: '',
// Your app's name.
appName: 'Capacitor Kitchen Sink',
// Sets the directory of your built web assets. This is the directory that will be
// used to run your app in a native environment.
webDir: 'www',
// The JavaScript package manager to use, either npm or yarn.
npmClient: 'npm',
// Whether to use capacitor.js as a bundle that is copied to your web code,
// or require it to be bundled/imported through a typical
// typescript/babel/webpack/rollup workflow.
// The starter project sets this to true, but if you're using Ionic or another framework,
// you'll probably want this to be false (default is false)
bundledWebRuntime: false,
// On Windows, we aren't able to automatically open Android Studio
// without knowing the full path. The default is set to the default
// Android Studio install path, but you may change it manually.
windowsAndroidStudioPath: 'C:Program FilesAndroidAndroid Studio\binstudio64.exe',
// A Boolean value that determines whether to hide native logs for iOS and Android. The preference is ignored if it's also declared inside ios or android
// Default is false
hideLogs: true,
// Server object contains port and url configurations
server: {
// You can make the app to load an external url (i.e. to live reload)
url: '',
// You can configure the local hostname, but it's recommended to keep localhost
// as it allows to run web APIs that require a secure context such as
// navigator.geolocation and MediaDevices.getUserMedia.
hostname: 'app',
// It is possible to configure the local scheme that is used. This can be useful
// when migrating from cordova-plugin-ionic-webview, where the default scheme on iOS is ionic.
iosScheme: 'ionic',
androidScheme: 'http',
// Normally all external URLs are opened in the browser. By setting this option, you tell
// Capacitor to open URLs belonging to these hosts inside its WebView.
allowNavigation: ['', '*', ''],
// User agent of Capacitor WebView for iOS and Android, unless also declared inside ios or android objects
overrideUserAgent: 'my custom user agent',
// String to append to the original user agent of Capacitor WebView for iOS and Android,
// unless also declared inside ios or android objects. Only if overrideUserAgent is not set.
appendUserAgent: 'string to append',
// Background color of Capacitor WebView for both iOS and Android unless also declared inside ios or android objects
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
android: {
// User agent of Capacitor WebView for Android
overrideUserAgent: 'my custom user agent for Android',
// String to append to the original user agent of Capacitor WebView for Android.
appendUserAgent: 'string to append for Android',
// Background color of Capacitor WebView for Android only
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
// On Android, if you are loading the app from a remote/testing server from https
// protocol, you need to enable mixed content mode to allow the WebView to load
// files from different schemes such as capacitor-content:// or capacitor-file://
allowMixedContent: true,
// Android's default keyboard doesn't allow proper JS key capture
// You can use a simpler keyboard enabling this preference
// Be aware that this keyboard has some problems and limitations
captureInput: true,
// Enables debugging of web contents (HTML / CSS / JavaScript) loaded into
// any WebViews of this application.
// This flag can be enabled in order to facilitate debugging of web layouts
// and JavaScript code running inside WebViews.
webContentsDebuggingEnabled: true,
// A Boolean value that determines whether to hide native Android logs or not
// Default is false
hideLogs: true,
ios: {
// User agent of Capacitor WebView for iOS
overrideUserAgent: 'my custom user agent for iOS',
// String to append to the original user agent of Capacitor WebView for iOS.
appendUserAgent: 'string to append for iOS',
// Background color of Capacitor WebView for iOS only
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
// Configure the WebView's UIScrollView's content inset behavior
// Default is never
// Possible values are "automatic", "scrollableAxes", "never" and "always"
contentInset: 'always',
// Configure the Swift version to be used for Cordova plugins.
// Default is 5.0
cordovaSwiftVersion: '4.2',
// Minimum iOS version supported by the project.
// Default is 11.0
minVersion: '11.3',
// Some Cordova plugins require to configure the linker flags
cordovaLinkerFlags: ['-ObjC'],
// A Boolean value that determines whether pressing on a link displays a preview of
// the destination for the link.
allowsLinkPreview: false,
// A Boolean value that determines whether to hide native iOS logs or not
// Default is false
hideLogs: true,